Spanish Signs
Improve Workplace Safety
with Bilingual Signs.
Not everyone’s English speaking skills are excellent. This poses a unique danger in terms of hazardous environments. The reason being that warning, caution, or danger signs mean nothing if workers can’t understand them. Outfit your facility with Spanish signs, or other bilingual signs, to provide equal opportunity in terms of safety.
5S Today carries a number of different Spanish sign designs. Each design has several different sizes and materials to choose from. However, you can rest easy knowing that all of our signs are durable, cost-effective, and made to last a long time. If you aren’t finding what you need, feel free to call in at 1-866-402-4776 or send an email to We would be more than happy to create custom Spanish signs for you at no extra cost.
Free OSHA Safety Signs E-Book
Learn the required components of OSHA safety signs.
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