5S Inline Tape

5S Inline Tape

Solutions for a Better,
Safer Workplace.

If you’re looking to organize your workplace, look no further than the 5S method: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. Essential to Lean manufacturing techniques, 5S is an excellent solution to your workplace productivity problems. What’s even better is the fact that we have the perfect 5S tools for you. Try out our 5S inline printed tape!

Our 5S inline tape features SafetyTac®. The tape itself is incredibly resilient material. It will hold up to any spills or traffic you throw at it. SafetyTac® also has smooth tapered edges and a low profile as to prevent tripping hazards and getting caught on wheels. Our 5S themed inline tape will help you maintain a clean and error-free workplace.

  • 5S Zone - Inline Printed Floor Marking Tape

    5S Zone - Inline Printed Floor Marking Tape

  • 5S Area - Inline Printed Floor Marking Tape

    5S Area - Inline Printed Floor Marking Tape

  • 5S Red Tag Area - Inline Printed Floor Marking Tape

    5S Red Tag Area - Inline Printed Floor Marking Tape


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